Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A profusion of greenery

One last post of July garden images, and then I'll be caught up. As you can see, the garden was really in full bloom by mid-July, and a few plants, notably the bok choy and radishes, had already blossomed and gone to seed.

The Swiss chard and green lettuce did very well until August, when they finally gave up after a week of over 90 degree heat. I didn't spend too much time in the garden that week; just made sure to water daily and then headed back to cooler places.

The sunflowers didn't seem to mind the heat at all.


Flo Finklestein said...

The nasturtiums look pretty up against the dill (at least I think that's nasturtiums and dill). But everybody should click on that sunflower picture and look at the enlarged version. Wow!

Emma said...

The red flowers behind the dill are blossoms for my pole beans. the flowers are quite dramatic, the green beans have been disappointing; they seem to go almost straight from blossom to giant seedpod with little time in between for harvesting. I still have some hope of getting a few beans from them though.

Flo Finklestein said...

Oof - I should have recognized those. We grew a bunch of beans off our back deck that also had those gorgeous red flowers. We didn't end up eating many of those beans, and they largely ended up being ornamental.

Your pole beans are beautiful, but I hope you get around to eating them too.